March 22, 2012

Comenius Festival in Parma

Our COMENIUS FESTIVAL will take place in Parma next week - all the groups are arriving to Parma on the 25th of March.

Roll on Parma !!!!

Here we go !!!!!

March 21, 2012

Activity: Photo Contest

On Tuesday, March 20th , the awards of our photo contest "Tales for peace" have been given. Our headmisstress, María del Rosario Gomez Garcia has given the gift certificates, provided by the APA of the school, to Carla Vidal and Beatriz Lopez.  She has  congratulated them for their work and  has also encouraged them to keep on being  involved.

March 18, 2012

Activity: Prizes for the photo contest.

Firstly, we would like to thank all those who participated in the contest by encouraging to collaborate in this project. Their contributions have enabled us to discover future talents of photography that we hope to have news in  future.

It has been very difficult to choose the winning photos, each one has some feature that makes it deserving of the award, but could only choose two. Finally the award-winning have been:

First Prize: Carla Vidal Carballo with her series "You are beautiful"

Second Prize: Beatriz López Bernal ,with her photo "A look, a smile".

Congratulations to the award-winning, on Monday, 19 March, they will be given their awards.

We want to thank the APA for their cooperation, and to the teacher, Noelia Casal for the  photos that she has brought  to us and her  irreplaceable technical support.

 We want to encourage you to see all the photos, clicking on the link bellow:
Photo Contest - Intercultural Coexistence

March 03, 2012

Photo contest

Please don't forget that you can send your photos to until Sunday, 4th March at midnight. Good luck!

Activity: Language Workshops

We have recently finished our Italian workshop. We have acquired the basics to avoid getting lost in Italy, or at least to know how to come back home !. Thanks to the teacher Ana Rifón for her patience and time. Now we have moved on to English. This week we have started another workshop, this time in conversational English. It will last about three weeks and we hope it to allow us to refresh our conversational English. On this occasion Isaura Villarino is the teacher leading this activity. Thanks for your help