June 13, 2013

End of Tales for Peace Project

Our students of 4th ESO have made some videos and power points giving their opinions about the project Tales for Peace, the first one our school has been involved in, and which is about to be over. They have tried their best at everything and we want to congratulate them from here. We feel proud of what they all have done so far.

In these videos they speak about the things they are for and against and the things that could be improved.
One thing is clear for all of them: all of them have loved the project and have been happy to join it. They all would have loved to be the ones travelling during the past two years.They keep in touch with their host families, and the ones who couldn’t travel keep on being in touch with the foreign students as well.
Thanks to it, this summer the first exchanges will be made in our school!

Thank you indeed to all our students and congrats on their hard work, excitement, cooperation, interest and interest. All of them have made this project possible. Thanks so much!

As for the videos, the first position goes to this video, made by some of our students of 4th ESO B, who went to Jablonec  with us last March. They tell us about their experiences, and the ones staying here also tell us about the way they felt staying in A Coruña.

The second position goes to three students of 4th ESO A, one of them travelled
with us as well.

The third position goes to a student from 4th ESO C, who stayed here and who I think that he has been very brave to have done it by himself.

It has been a pleasure to work with all of you, guys!